Kerala State Lottery Results
Today Kerala Lottery Result; 08-03-2022
Sthree Sakthi Lottery No.SS-303
Kerala Lottery Sthree Sakthi is the lottery launched by the Kerala government for raising funds for the fulfillment of developments regarding the women empowering program. This reason is the base of the lottery name STHREE SAKTHI (which means women's power). Kerala lottery department decided to conduct the sthree Sakthi lottery draw on every Tuesday at 3 pm. Today Kerala lottery result is sthree Sakthi lottery result and the result will be published after the official announcement of the result.
Sthree Sakthi Lottery Result 08.03.2022
Sthree Sakthi SS 303 result will be published at 4.05 pm as same as on1 the official website. Also, there will be a live update for the first prize at 3.05 pm. Refer to the official site for further clarification. For instant updates please click on the refresh button.
LIVE Kerala Lottery Result Today
Date of Draw 08 03 2022
Sthree Sakthi Lottery Result (SS-303)
(Kerala samsthana bhagyakuri narukkedup phalam)
1st Prize Rs: 7,500,000/-
Consolation Prize Rs.8, 000/-
SA 319605 SC 319605
SD 319605 SE 319605
SF 319605 SG 319605
SH 319605 SJ 319605
SK 319605 SL 319605 SM 319605
2nd Prize Rs.1,000, 000/-
SJ 664909 (VAIKKOM)
For the tickets ending with the following numbers
3rd Prize Rs.5, 000/-
0395 0882 1630 1930 2733 3679 3867 3951 4456 4478 4960 6128 6462 7544 7775 8095 8543 9390
4th Prize Rs.2, 000/-
0233 1247 1628 2011 2995 4672 4771 7212 7557 9998
5th Prize Rs.1, 000/-
0419 1151 1371 1716 2113 2427 3265 4441 5413 5951 6271 6661 7721 7745 8173 8196 8598 8660 9030 9624
6th Prize Rs.500/-
0211 0290 0426 0684 0772 0794 1326 1871 1959 2010 2074 2334 2636 3433 3440 3724 3858 4067 4108 4415 4954 5004 5009 5130 5180 5248 5485 5725 5846 6113 6248 6493 6647 6695 6941 7205 7594 7723 7785 7787 7812 8123 8161 8264 8333 8437 8761 8972 9000 9762 9764 9997
7th Prize Rs.200/-
0549 0570 1024 1107 1239 1312 1366 1542 1652 1821 1971 2436 3273 3309 3680 3740 3878 3976 4048 4086 4199 4264 5605 5701 5890 6195 6422 6791 6834 6986 7287 7344 7560 7618 7928 8221 8447 8719 8938 9011 9100 9171 9268 9327 9690
8th Prize Rs.100/-
0017 0060 0079 0105 0134 0272 0376 0378 0414 0885 0952 0953 1062 1093 1149 1342 1357 1768 2108 2306 2496 2541 2559 2569 2610 2900 2939 3119 3213 3243 3253 3312 3327 3351 3510 3647 3661 3668 3728 3767 3770 3819 3842 3881 3922 3998 4011 4098 4317 4487 4519 4617 4641 4664 4677 4737 4754 4776 4906 5090 5123 5292 5344 5710 5767 5898 5921 5981 5996 6018 6034 6060 6086 6091 6121 6170 6210 6238 6242 6289 6325 6382 6386 6440 6475 6496 6512 6530 6551 6586 6796 6887 6923 6992 7087 7145 7228 7356 7470 7531 7725 7753 7780 7782 7868 7943 7949 8040 8119 8228 8456 8501 8785 8801 8985 9013 9048 9122 9214 9348 9353 9459 9481 9834 9929 9950
The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.
Official Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 303 Results PDF

Next Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 304 Draw on 15-03-2022
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How much is first prize of Sthree Sakthi SS-303?
Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 303 ticket first prize winner got an amount of 75 lakhs rupees. 30% of the amount will be deducted as tax.
2. How to check the result of sthree sakthi result today 08-03-2022?
Log on to the home page of Click on the link on navigation menu or click the results link in the home page or you can find the link on the table.
3. When will the result of ss303 updated?
The live result will starts at 3pm.
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